11/13/2011 9:50 PM
It's easier to jack it up on one side to let the water drip out.
Art Love
11/9/2011 9:31 PM
"dryer"[?] I guess they do a Ferris Bueller. 100MPH up and down the Freeway with the windows down[:o)]. Art
11/9/2011 6:59 PM
Wait, is that wrong? 'Cuz I wasn't sure...
Gerrett Conover, M-100 Membership Sec'y ----------------------- 1971 600 SWB 1979 450SEL 6.9 1981 250 LWB 1995 Impala SS 2000 S500 [img=left]http://www.600swb.com/Images/600_sm.jpg[/img=left]
Jack English
11/8/2011 11:30 PM
Does this work on the gasoline powered cars or just the Diesels? What do we use as a dryer?
Jack English 300SEL 6.3 #4768
Art Love
11/8/2011 4:39 PM
Your precious car thoroughly cleaned inside and out by one of our highly trained and caring professionals![:o)]